Thursday, December 27, 2012

Choice versus Responsibility

Do you have a choice or responsibility to stay fit?

It's up to you to take care of yourself and treat your body well. You only have one you and you're priceless. Imagine for a moment that you have two rings: one worth $100 and the other $100000. I bet you would take better care of the second one. As for yourself, there is no self-storage or special hiding place to protect yourself. How you ensure personal longevity is treating yourself as priceless. Here's a few things I say you should do as your responsibility to yourself.

•Eat natural and organic food over processed foods
•Rest when your body tells you to
•Sleep between 40-65 hours a week
•Move your body everyday with as little as a brief walk or stretch
•Train your mind everyday with as little as reading a blog post
•Feel an emotion everyday; happy, sad, comical, inspired

Maybe it's time to sit down and make a quick list for yourself. These are just a few things, but there are surely more.

Take a moment and see if these things below are done though choice or responsibly.

-make lots of money
-find love
-dress well
-practice religion
-live within the confines of the law

Enjoy my friends

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