Thursday, November 15, 2012

WOD with Master Trainer Mike

It's always good to have a trainer or for me workout with one when I can. This WOD we are focusing on specific movement patterns that compliment each other (I.e. flexion/extension)

We are doing 3 sets of 8min rounds of work. The idea is to move as efficiently and effectively as possible, but not necessary very fast.

Complete as many rounds as you can in 8mins.

Each move will be executed for a total of 10 reps.

•TRX Front/Back Swings
•KB Swings to Lockout
•Dynamax Ball Slam Downs
•KB Sumo Squat to High Pull Catch
•Crab to Alt Push-Up

Your goal is to make it to the same place if not further every round. You get only 2mins rest in between each round.

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