Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jump N Pump - WOW - 11/27/12

Here's the rundown of this weeks WOW.

Complete as many rounds of the following as you can in 8mins. Do each exercise for 10 reps and repeat the list for as many rounds as possible.

1. Tuck Jumps
2. Inch Worms
3. Deep Squat to OH Arm Raise
4. Forearm Plank to Plank
5. Hip Thrusters
6. 50 Single Unders

The idea is to keep moving along and at a even pace until the last minute and then push out whatever you got left.

Enjoy Responsibly :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Battle Ropes

Here's a quick overview of the infamous battle ropes.

Battle Ropes have been around seemingly forever and have been used to pull giant piles of brick, lever sails on ships and much more.  Simply picking up the rope and throwing it down is enough if you're trying to figure it out.  Once you get the grasp of it you can try this workout I found on youtube below. It can be used for power, strength, speed and endurance work.  What matters in the workout below is the intensity and time in each movement and total time of the workout.  Remember that when designing your own workout!

Here's the link below as well if you like to share it with friends.

Let me know how far you made it through this workout!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pyramid Workout #2

5 inch worms
10 cross touches
15 Jumping Jacks
20 lunge presses

Pyramid Workout #2

Try this challenging 30-45mins workout with taking any breaks. If you need to rest you can take a moment where I put the line breaks.

*Means this is a weighted exercise. Choose one set of weights for the workout (I.e. 2 10lbs dumbbells).

100m Row
20 step-ups*
10 curl n press*
10 roll n touch
10 full/assisted pull-ups

200m Row
16 step-ups*
8 curl n press*
8 roll n touch
8 full/assisted pull-ups

300m Row
12 step-ups*
6 curl n press*
6 roll n touch
6 full/assisted pull-ups

400m Row
8 step-ups
4 curl n press
4 roll n touch
4 full/assisted pull-ups

500m Row
8 lateral lunges*
4 chest flys*
4 plank with side reach
4 mountain climbers

400m Row
12 lateral lunges*
6 chest flys*
6 plank with side reach
6 mountain climbers

300m Row
16 lateral lunges*
8 chest flys*
8 plank with side reach
8 mountain climbers

200m Row
20 lateral lunges*
10 chest flys*
10 plank with side reach
10 mountain climbers
100m Row - All Out!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jump N Pump - WOW

The last 8mins of class I dedicated to a WOW (workout of the week). Every week I change up the challenge, but always incorporate the jump rope as the cardio feature.

Do as many rounds of the following in 8mins:

•10 Push-Ups
•20 Full Sit-Ups
•30 Bridges with Alt Knee Raise
•40 Alt Plank with Shoulder Tap
•50 Single Unders

Let me know how many rounds you did and stay tuned for weekly workouts like this one.

Enjoy Responsibly :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

WOD with Master Trainer Mike

It's always good to have a trainer or for me workout with one when I can. This WOD we are focusing on specific movement patterns that compliment each other (I.e. flexion/extension)

We are doing 3 sets of 8min rounds of work. The idea is to move as efficiently and effectively as possible, but not necessary very fast.

Complete as many rounds as you can in 8mins.

Each move will be executed for a total of 10 reps.

•TRX Front/Back Swings
•KB Swings to Lockout
•Dynamax Ball Slam Downs
•KB Sumo Squat to High Pull Catch
•Crab to Alt Push-Up

Your goal is to make it to the same place if not further every round. You get only 2mins rest in between each round.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pyramid Scene Workout

Today's workout - Pyramid Scene!

10 reps per move followed by one min cardio (jump rope for me)

You can choose anything for your cardio move. Just keep a stopwatch, timer or clock handy for the workout.

Choose a weight for lower body and upper body. Remember the weights should be heavy enough that its difficult to finish the last rep of every move.
For me:
Lower Body - 2 40lbs
Upper Body - 2 30lbs

Start round 1 with 10 squats then cardio
Round 2 10 squats then 10 high rows then cardio
Round 3 squats/high rows/prisoner lunges + cardio
Round 4 squats/high rows/prisoner lunges/renegade rows + cardio
Round 5 squats/high rows/prisoner lunges/renegade rows/sumo deadlifts + cardio

This should be a HARD 30min workout.

Breath Easier!

I have tried several techniques to improve my breathing, but nothing really stuck. I like to find things both effective and measurable.

Try This...

Take a mouthful of water and just keep it in there for one minute. This will force you to breath through your nose. Once that challenge becomes easy try it while walking or a light jog. It may sound a bit crazy, but it has really helped out my breathing both statically and dynamically.